Article: Made Easy: How To Apply For Canadian Scholarships (Links To Useful Resources Also Available)

Post by:Kings
Canada is a rich country and they spend lots of money on educating their own students. Many Canadians do not like to go for higher studies. This issue has caused many problems with Canadian universities.

Due to the lack of Canadian students the universities are attracting some good talents from foreign countries (mainly Asian countries) by offering scholarships for higher degrees and particularly in research oriented degrees like MS and PhD by research.

You may like to review the availability of scholarships in various Canadian universities. This can be easily carried out by visiting the university websites.

Sometimes Canadian industry also offers scholarships for industrial problem solving through MS and PhD by research. These scholarships provide an opportunity to work with the industry while studying for MS or PhD. Many of these scholarships lead to an employment with the industry that sponsored the scholarship.

The Canadian government and many post-secondary institutions offer international students possibilities for obtaining scholarship awards, grants, or bursaries to finance their education.

Unlike a loan, money received from a scholarship program does not need to be repaid.

If you are interested in applying for a scholarship, it is important to understand the application process and abide by the deadline specified by the granting institution or organization.

The eligibility requirements and application package often differs from one scholarship to the next. For example, some scholarships may require a personal essay and/or request references from past teachers or employers. Other scholarships may be primarily offered based on academic performance, extracurricular achievements, or other creative skills.

It is important to note that the deadlines and eligibility requirements listed here are subject to change and it is recommended that you contact the organization and institution for updated information and deadlines.

Getting a scholarship in Canada is not easy. Universities in Canada generally don’t offer scholarship which is fully funded or even if they do, the seats are very limited. Although, there is always a way for deserving students. Nothing can stop you if you have it in you. Let’s first understand what universities are looking for :

What is generally required to get a scholarship?

Academic performance:
Your percentage in 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th is considered if you are applying for a UG program. Likewise, your college grade is considered if you are applying for PG program.

Extra-Curricular Activities:
Sports, athletics, MUN’s, Debates, designing, etc. The more the number of certificates the more will be the chances of getting a scholarship. The universities are looking for well-rounded students.

Any Entrance by University:
Some of the universities also conduct an entrance during admission. That score is considered for the scholarships.

IELTS: Try to score at least 7 in all bands.

Social Work:
At least 200 hours of voluntary work is required. This plays a major role even during the admissions.

Types of Scholarships

1- Merit-Based scholarships: 
These are the scholarships given to the exceptionally talented students who have a brilliant academic record, some leadership skills and the ability to contribute to the world.

2- Need-based scholarships: 
This is for students who are in need of financial assistance and the combined family income is not enough to pay the fees. Your entire documents are scanned

3-Scholarships for sports athletes: 
If you have an exceptional sports record, you might get some scholarship. Although this might not cover your entire cost, these are less in amount.

Tips to help you in searching for Canadian scholarship opportunities.

1. Start at home
Students should first explore scholarships and funding possibilities in their home country. Contact the Depart­ment of Education in your country of citizenship to determine if there are awards for which you may be eligible.

2. Contact your chosen university
Contact the financial aid office of the university you wish to attend to request information about scholarship opportunities for international students and any applica­tion guidelines. Although Canadian universities do not typically award scholarships to foreign students, there are a growing number of institutions that offer entrance scholarships.

3. Plan ahead
In accordance with Citizenship and Immigration Canada regulations, you must prove you have enough money to meet your financial needs while studying in Canada before beginning your studies. So, if you’re going to pursue a scholarship to help finance your education, start researching opportunities early.

4. Research additional opportunities
Learn about scholarships administered by the Canadian government, provincial governments, private foundations, and not-for-profit organizations.

The process of applying for studies abroad can be very overwhelming—and expensive!

To help you we put together the following list of Canadian scholarships available to international students interested in studying in Canada.

The CanadaVisa Study Hub $500 Scholarship Contest

The CanadaVisa Scholarship Contest gives members of the CanadaVisa Study Hub the opportunity to win $500. Every month a new member is randomly selected as the winner. The contest is designed to support current international students and post-graduate workers in Canada.

The contest is offered in the Study Hub, an online portal that offers a wide range of tools and resources to international students looking to make the most of their time in Canada as international students and graduates.

Eligibility requirements:
Be a member of the CanadaVisa Study Hub
Have a valid study permit and/or post-graduation work permit
Provide proof of enrollment at a Canadian post-secondary institution
Deadline: No specified deadline

Global Affairs International Scholarship Opportunities for Non-Canadians

In its commitment to participate in international research partnerships, Canada partners with organizations worldwide to support the promotion of international education through research opportunities in Canadian post-secondary institutions. The value of scholarships offered by Global Affairs Canada varies depending on the duration and level of study. Generally, scholarships range from $7,200 to 14,700.

Eligibility requirements:
To apply for various scholarships, fellowships, and awards offered through Global Affairs Canada, it is important to consult the criteria for each scholarship separately. Also, many scholarships require an application to be submitted from the destination institution. Therefore, it is important to prepare all the necessary documents and coordinate with the destination school.

Currently, there are government scholarships offered in the form of short-term exchange programs, online study scholarships and research projects.

Popular Canadian scholarships:

Canada-ASEAN Scholarships
Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program (ELAP)
Canada-CARICOM Leadership Scholarships Program
Canada-China Scholars’ Exchange Program 
Canada-Chile Leadership Exchange Scholarship

Deadline: Varies based on program and opens intermittently throughout the year.

Upcoming deadline for short-term exchange programs is 11:59 p.m. EDT, April 17, 2018.

Canada Graduate Scholarships-Master’s Program (CGS M)

The CGS M scholarship program is open to international students on permanent residence status to support their research in the fields of health, natural sciences and/or engineering, and social sciences and/or humanities.

The award is worth $17,000 for up to 12 months.

Annually, the program helps up to 2,000 students enrolled in eligible Canadian academic institutions.

Eligibility requirements:
To apply for the CGS M, you must:
1. Be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada;
2. Be enrolled in, have applied for, or will apply for full-time admission to an eligible graduate program at the master’s or doctoral level at a Canadian institution with a CGS M allocation
3. Must not be a past recipient of CGS M (some exceptions apply); 
4. Have achieved a first-class average, as determined by the host institution, in each of the last two completed years of study (full-time equivalent).

It is important to consult the dedicated CGS M webpage for further details about the program eligibility requirements.

Deadline: December 1; submitted through the dedicated Research Portal.

Ontario Graduate Scholarship

The Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) helps graduate students fund their studies in a participating Canadian post-secondary institution. The award is valued at $10,000 and $15,000 depending on the number of terms in a study program.

The scholarship program is funded by Ontario’s provincial government and the school where the student will attend. A potential recipient is evaluated based on academic standing, research skills, and volunteer/ leadership experience.

Ontario spends approximately $30 million every year to support the OGS program.

Eligibility requirements:
To be considered for the scholarship, you must:
1. Be enrolled in a graduate program at the master’s or doctoral level;
2. Be registered in full-time studies for 2 or more terms (21 to 52 weeks in total) for the academic of application;
3. Be on a valid study permit; and
4. Attend a participating Ontario school.

Deadline: Varies based on the department/program at the post-secondary institution of study.

Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship

The Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship (Vanier CGS) program is valued at $50,000 per year for three years of doctoral studies at a Canadian post-secondary institution.

The Vanier CGS was introduced by the Canadian government in 2008 to attract world-class talent to Canada and help establish Canada as a prime research and higher education locale.

The government selects up to 167 new Vanier CGS recipients every year.

Eligibility requirements:
Vanier scholars are chosen based on leadership skills and academic excellence at a graduate level.

In most cases, to be considered as a Vanier scholar, you must:
1. Be enrolled in a PhD-level program at a Canadian university;
2. Meet evaluation criteria for academic excellence, research potential, and leadership; and
3. Receive a nomination from the destination Canadian post-secondary institution of choice.

Deadline: Currently closed for nominations. For scholarship timeline, visit the government website.

Ontario Trillium Scholarship (OTS)

The Government of Ontario introduced the OTS program in 2010 to help bring the best performing international students to the province to complete their PhD studies.

OTS awards are $40,000 each year and are automatically renewable every three years following the first year. It is important that a recipient maintains good academic standing and continue to meet eligibility requirement for the OTS.

Eligibility requirements:
To qualify for the OTS, you must:
1. Hold a valid Canadian study permit;
2. Intend to pursue full-time graduate studies at the doctoral level in a degree-granting program;
3. Have exceptional research experience and potential combined with an outstanding university academic record; and
4. Be present and registered full-time in the PhD program at the post-secondary institution by the start date of the award and for the program’s complete duration.
International students benefit from the OTS in various eligible Ontario universities.

School-specific Canadian scholarship awards

Canadian universities and colleges may offer unique entrance scholarships to international students. The awards and/or fellowships are mostly merit-based and have specific criteria based on academic standing and study program duration.

Some key awards include:
1. Humber College International Entrance Scholarships worth between $1,000 and $1,500.
2. University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowships ranging from $14,000 to $18,000 (depending on Master’s or PhD-level).
3.University of Calgary Graduate Awards of $1,000 to $40,000 across various fields of study.
4. UBC Graduate Global Leadership Fellowships to citizens of developing countries valued at $18,200 per year for a total of four years in doctoral studies at the University of British Columbia.
5. Dalhousie University Scholarships of up to $40,000 offered to international students pursuing the university.

What some more resources to help you get a scholarship in Canada?

Government of Canada International Scholarships Program

Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada is responsible for the Government of Canada’s participa­tion in major international scholarship programs. This government website enables users to search for awards available to foreign students for study and research in Canada.

Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships

Open to both Canadian and international PhD students studying at Canadian universities, the Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship is worth $50,000 per year for three years.

Quebec merit scholarship for foreign students

Administered by the Fonds québécois de la recherche sur la nature et les technologies, this Quebec government program offers scholarships for doctoral studies, a postdoctoral fellowship, and short-term research or professional development.

Trudeau Foundation Doctoral scholarships

Each year, the Trudeau Foundation rewards up to 15 outstanding doctoral candidates who are enrolled or about to be enrolled in a social sciences and humanities program. The annual value is up to $60,000 per scholar for up to four years.

International Council for Canadian Studies

Dedicated to the promotion and support of research, education and publication in all fields of Canadian Studies around the world, this not-for-profit organization offers a series of scholarships and awards in support of Canadian Studies.


Whether you wish to pursue your graduation, post-graduation or even PhD, scholarships are available at all levels. 

1-Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship Program

Offered by one of the top University in Canada, the scholarship is given to students with exceptional academic achievement who are recognized as leaders within their school. Each year around 37 students are granted this scholarship. It is applicable for all programs in the university.

How to Apply: 
First, ask for a nomination from your school. Apply for the desired program at the University of Toronto to begin your studies. Now you can complete the online Lester B. Pearson Scholarship application.

Scholarship Amount: The scholarship will cover tuition, books, incidental fees, and full residence support for four years.

University: University of Toronto 

2-Karen McKellin International Leader of Tomorrow Award

Another top scholarship for Indian students to study in Canada. This scholarship is a  need-and-merit-based award that recognizes students who demonstrate superior academic achievement along with leadership skills. Involvement in community service is an added advantage. Applicable for all courses. 

How to Apply: 
Simply fill the scholarship application and complete the form for the admission to the university.

Scholarship Amount: The value for the Award is proportional to your financial need. The university checks the contribution your family can make each year.

University: University of British Columbia 

3-Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships

For all the postdoctoral fellow aspirants, fund your research by the Banting Fellowships. This scholarship is for deserving candidates who can contribute in future positively to the nation’s social, economic and research-based growth. Importantly, areas of research could be in Health, Natural sciences and/or engineering or Social sciences and/or humanities. 

How to apply: 
With your application, you are required to contact the host institution and submit the required documents. Refer: Application Details 

Scholarship Amount: $70,000 per year (2 years applicable)

University: Any university under the recognised list. 

4-University of Waterloo International Student Entrance Scholarship

20 scholarships, each valued at $10,000 are given to international students. It should be noted that only the students who have scored more than 90% are considered for the scholarship. Majorly, the scholarship is provided based on academic achievement and an entrance exam conducting by the department. Hence, this is amongst the top scholarships for Indian students to study in Canada. 

How to apply: 
Separate form for the scholarship is not required.

Scholarship Amount: $10,000

University: University of Waterloo

5-International Master’s Student Award (IMSA)

Offered by the University of Waterloo, IMSA is a scholarship offered to students enrolled in a masters degree for full-time research. It is open to all the students enrolled in an MA, MASC, MES, MFA, MMATH  or MSC program.  The University of Waterloo also offers a scholarship for undergraduate students 

How to apply: Students are automatically selected by the faculty. 

Scholarship Amount: $2,360/term (For 2 years)

University: University of Waterloo

6-Principal’s International Scholarship-India

The university rewards the academic excellence of students and they have kept this scholarship especially for the Indian students. Also, the amount the university is offering makes it a lucrative option while selecting the scholarships. This is offered to the first-year students enrolled at an undergraduate program. 

How to apply: Separate application form is not required.

Scholarship Amount: $10,000

University: Queen’s University 

7-Western Union Scholars-Global Scholarship Program 

Western Union has designed this scholarship program to support young minds all around the globe. Each year many students fund their undergraduate studies with the help of this scholarship. Perseverance, Aspiration, and Community-Mindedness is what all the WU looks for. 
How to apply: Once the notification is released (around July), fill the form. 

Scholarship Amount: USD $2,500

University:  Applicable at any university 

8-The SFU Undergraduate Scholars Entrance Scholarship

For the students who demonstrate excellence in academic and extracurricular activities, this scholarship can cover almost all your tuition fees. Additionally, exceptionally talented students are offered funds for living expenses also. It won’t be wrong to say, Canada has opportunities for all talented students. 

How to apply: Apply along with your application.

Scholarship Amount: Starts from $10,000

University: Simon Fraser University 


If you are an environmental enthusiast interested in taking up a course in either animal ecology, agriculture, fishing or forestry, this is a perfect scholarship for you. This is offered at both Masters and doctoral level. 

How to apply: The form is available at the university website. First, you should register for the course, and then apply for the scholarship.

Scholarship Amount: $1,500

University: Québec or British Columbia University
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