Pejoweb Says Goodbye To User Referral Fraud.

We have learnt how difficult it is for some users to resist the temptation to create new emails and register non-existent users on Pejoweb using their referral links. They do this to beat the withdrawal threshold really quick.

These events have costed us a lot of hardworking users who carry great sentiment for the Pejoweb platform, as many have been banned while others had their earnings partially or totally deducted.

A quick way to help involved and future users resist the temptation of referral fraud is to increase initial referral earning (this is different from the referral commission you get when the user you referred makes a withdrawal).

So earning per referral is being increased from around $0.2 to $1 before or around the first day of February 2021, but there is a catch (Read below).

You will only get your referral earning after the user makes his first withdrawal plus your recurring commission percentage depending on the amount the user is requesting and your membership level. The advantages of this method is outlined below.

1.       Your referrals become your responsibility (you would be interested in helping them make their first withdrawal).  

2.       Your referrals will be able to make much more frequent withdrawals giving you extra commission on a regular basis.

3.       Pejoweb becomes a long term investment for you.  


Please note: If you have a better idea to help us eliminate referral fraud and still have users get their earnings as soon as a user confirms his registration, please hit the WhatsApp button hanging at the bottom of this page and share your ideas with us.

Thank you.


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